Moving away from Facebook login in all apps

We are moving away from login with Facebook in all of our MMA apps due to restrictions from Facebook that does not allow us to run a secure network. After weeks of debate with Facebook, we have come to dead end that would force us to either relax the security or remove entirely the login with Facebook.

Not only did we wasted a lot of time but Facebook was reluctant to provide any path or solution for both companies to be able to work securily.

Login with Facebook was useful back when Apple did not impose login with Apple if a third party login is in place and was a practical solution to only have 1 social platform login for both iOS and Android platforms. Since then, the rule has changed and forcing Apple login onto us has rendered login with Facebook obsolete.

We then decided logically that since we do want to keep all our securities in place, the best way to go would be to remove all Facebook login methods from all of our apps, and offer instead login with Google on Android.

So today we are pleased to announce that the Rollers BJJ and Bag Work apps have been un-facebook'ed with fresh updates. Apple iOS user will still enjoy login with Apple while Android users now have to switch to login with Google. For people who already have created an account via Facebook login, they will still be able to login if they have set their preferences to "auto login" and then later can change their generated password. 

  • Rollers BJJ has been updated to version 1.0.0 on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Bag Work has been updated to version 1.1.2 on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Android users who had created their accounts with Facebook can also use Google login if the email address used in both social network is the same.

    If you have any issue login in, you can either use the recovery function or connect with us!

    All upcoming apps will only support login with email, Apple or Google, while the console will remain connected to Facebook for social posting.



